The City made great strides in its first year of working toward sustainability, including the following:

° Creation of a volunteer employee committee “Green CDA Team”
° Completion of an energy audit and a performance based contract for energy savings programs with Johnson Controls
° Completion of a city facilities pilot recycle program and implementation of general recycling practices
° Identification of existing green practices
° Installation of motion sensor light switches
° Creation of sustainable section to the web-site
° Creation of a quarterly E-Newsletter with education and reminders to staff
° City Council approval for single stream recycling (community-wide)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Free AYCE (all you can eat) Solar info?

This site is an electronic book on PV. It can either be read from start to finish as a course on photovoltaics or used as a reference. This project started out as an electronic textbook, distributed on CDs and so we have kept the ungainly title of PVCDROM. As the project and the text itself has grown over the years we have added many enhancements unavailable in static textbooks. Be sure to read the instruction page to make sure you have all the appropriate plugins installed and so that you will be aware of all of the features available to learners.

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