The City made great strides in its first year of working toward sustainability, including the following:

° Creation of a volunteer employee committee “Green CDA Team”
° Completion of an energy audit and a performance based contract for energy savings programs with Johnson Controls
° Completion of a city facilities pilot recycle program and implementation of general recycling practices
° Identification of existing green practices
° Installation of motion sensor light switches
° Creation of sustainable section to the web-site
° Creation of a quarterly E-Newsletter with education and reminders to staff
° City Council approval for single stream recycling (community-wide)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What is the "Go Green Movement" about?

In its simplest definition, being green means taking into account the Earth’s wellbeing when making choices about how you live your life. This means considering the ecosystems that support all inhabitants of the planet. In the big picture, being green means making choices based on the impact they will have on our water, land, and air.

There are many components to a green lifestyle and many levels at which one can choose to participate. Some people look to make as little impact on the environment as they can. Others may choose to recycle when they are able to.

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