The City made great strides in its first year of working toward sustainability, including the following:

° Creation of a volunteer employee committee “Green CDA Team”
° Completion of an energy audit and a performance based contract for energy savings programs with Johnson Controls
° Completion of a city facilities pilot recycle program and implementation of general recycling practices
° Identification of existing green practices
° Installation of motion sensor light switches
° Creation of sustainable section to the web-site
° Creation of a quarterly E-Newsletter with education and reminders to staff
° City Council approval for single stream recycling (community-wide)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Amazingly green cities of the future

The core concept of green 'garden' cities is not at all a recent development of our contemporary age. It was thought of long back by one eminent town planner Ebenezer Howard in 1898. But with the current instigation of global warming, scarcity of non-renewable resources and mercurial levels of pollution, such conscientious concepts have become all the more important in the present day context. Moreover, humanity now has the wondrous chance to be fostered by the latest spurt of 'go green' technologies, to progress to a truly sustainable age. So, let us take a whiff of fresh air and explore the 10 astounding yet fastidious green cities of the future.

Click here for the entire from Ecofriend

Monday, May 14, 2012

'Green' Municipalities Cut Ties with Utilities

A growing number of cities and counties dedicated to energy efficiency are deciding that local sustainability initiatives can’t coexist with for-profit utilities.

Read the rest of the story here:

Friday, May 11, 2012

Bike to Work Week

Hi Everyone! Don't week is Bike to Work Week! Come join us on Monday morning for the Kick-Off Ride. We will be meeting at 7:30am at Riverstone Park and we'll be riding down NW Boulevard (with a police escort) to City Hall. For more info on bike to work week and all the other activities go to our website...
Bike to Work